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Best Dnd Feats For Bard

Dungeons & Dragons: Top Bard Feats for Musicians and Magicians

The Bard: A Versatile Masterpiece

In the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, bards stand as a testament to versatility, weaving melodies that inspire and wielding arcane power with equal grace. Their unique blend of charm, skill, and arcane prowess makes them a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield, and choosing the right feats can further enhance their capabilities.

Feats to Complement Your Bard's Base Class Features

As a bard levels up, they gain access to a wide array of powerful class features. Certain feats synergize particularly well with these base abilities, magnifying their effectiveness:

  • Actor: Enhance your bard's ability to deceive and impersonate with advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks.
  • Inspiring Leader: Grant temporary hit points to your allies at the start of combat, increasing their survivability and combat effectiveness.
  • Magic Initiate: Choose two cantrips and a 1st-level spell from another spellcasting class, adding versatility to your bard's spellcasting repertoire.

Feats for Martial Bards

For bards who prefer to wield weapons alongside their musical instruments, these feats can enhance their martial prowess:

  • Great Weapon Master: Increase the damage of your heavy weapons while accepting a penalty to-hit.
  • Sharpshooter: Enhance your ranged attacks, increasing your attack range and damage, but at the cost of a penalty to hit.
  • li>Polearm Master: Gain the ability to make an extra attack as a bonus action when you attack with a polearm, and prevent enemies from moving freely past you.

Feats for Spellcasting Bards

For bards who focus on their arcane prowess, these feats can boost their spellcasting capabilities:

  • Elemental Adept: Reduce the damage you take from a chosen element and increase the damage of your spells of that element.
  • Spell Sniper: Increase your spellcasting range and ignore half cover when targeting creatures at long range.
  • War Caster: Maintain concentration on your spells even when taking damage and cast spells with somatic components without having to end your grip on your weapon.
